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St. Thomas Orthodox Syrian Church Youth Group

The youth are a devoted, enthusiastic group of individuals between the ages of 17-26 who continuously strive to make a difference for the church and the surrounding community. We help organize various church events such as the bake sale, annual picnic, and other fundraising events. The youth are also involved in assisting the Sunday school staff in their various activities such as the Orthodox vacation bible school (OVBS).

Moreover, we come together each Sunday for a time of fellowship and learn more about the Orthodox faith from Mathew Achen, and learned members of the parish. Social activities bring people together and strengthen bonds; hence the youth organizes various youth-specific events such as hiking trips, barbecues, and theme park outings among a long list of other activities. We also consider assisting the surrounding community as a vital component of being a youth member. Collecting non-perishable items for food banks, supporting local charities and volunteering at soup kitchens are just some of the ways the youth give back to the community.

Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement (MGOCSM)

Members of the youth are encouraged to participate in the newly formed Toronto MGOCSM chapter. This group, comprised of youth from each of the three Toronto Orthodox Churches, meet for monthly prayer meetings where they discuss various topics ranging from creation, evolution and real-life problems with a Deacon appointed by the North East American MGOCSM unit. The MGOCSM also organizes various activities including fundraising events, leadership camps, and international mission activities.

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